Possum Removal

Cute and seemingly cuddly they may be, but once possums decide your roof void is home, cute no longer seems an appropriate description.

  • Possums are native Australian animals and are a fully protected species.
  • Current laws protect possums and their are tight rules around relocation.
  • They can be humanely trapped and released within 50m, on the same property, from where they are captured.ballarat-possum-removal

RID Pest Control offer possum management services to ensure you’ll get back the peace and quiet you probably once had. Don’t you hate it when you’re ready to sleep their nocturnal instincts mean they’re interrupting your sleep right about when they’re ready for breakfast!

Possums are noisy, smelly and destructive so the only real solution is removal!

We’re well equipped and experienced with trapping and relocation of possums. We operate in accordance with relevant laws protecting possums.

We’re Ballarat’s only licensed operators that are able to trap and remove problem possums and we have a wealth of experience and understanding of their behaviour and typical entry points where as a part of our service we will inspect the roof area for the entry point enabling our clients to effect necessary repairs to prevent the possum returning.

Possum Exclusion / Proofing

RID Pest can deploy specialised purpose built “box outs” where we’ll box in the access point, install a one way possum door so possums can get out but can’t get back in! We will then return in a few days to remove

Possum Exclusion Box Out

the temporary materials and repair the entry point more permanently. This is perhaps the most economical and possum friendly approach to evicting possums from inside your roof space!  The cost of this approach does vary depending on the number of entry points, complexity of repairs and so on. Our typical exclusion costs around $400 and includes all materials and time involved over a few visits. We also include a 12 month warranty on all possum exclusion work. Contact us today to arrange a roof assessment and detailed quotation.

Our usual possum management process is as follows:

  1. Initial visit for assessment and quote – we will survey the property, confirm possum activity, determine entry points and works required and deliver a quote. This assessment visit is typically billed at $110.
  2. Box out / exclusion visit – you accept our quote, we visit to fix entry points and install a one way door to permit possum egress from your roof space. This is what we will quote for during our assessment visit.
  3. Finalise repairs – this is the last visit, possums usually exit on the first night after the exclusion visit, we return some time after this to remove our box out / one way door and finalise the repairs, after this you will have no more possums in your roof space.

Sometimes we need to get a little more investigative and can deploy remotely monitored and motion activated cameras in a roof space or around your home to understand where possums are getting in or confirm possum activity, we’ve had jobs where it turns out to be cat accessing the roof space from inside and so on. Your technician will be experienced and led by the evidence they are trained to locate to determine your specific course of action. Some complex jobs require special access equipment and some jobs require other trades to effect repairs or rectify design details that permit possum ingress, every job is different but we will guide you through the possum management journey!

TIP: DIY Pest Control

A repellent brew made from boiling water and Quassia chips (Quassia ameria)  can be applied to individual trees or shrubs for temporary protection against the Brushtail and other possums. Allowed to cool, it is applied to the bark or foliage. It is extremely bitter.
It should be remembered that repellents give only short-term protection and give no protection to new growth. Repellents seldom work on plants that are very attractive to animals and almost never prevent them from scurrying across treated areas for refuge inside your roof.

Get RID of ’em with RID Pest Control…..!

Possum removal can be a simple task or a long drawn out task because there is no telling how many possums are within your roof or how many entry points they’ve exploited.

Our possum trapping program usually includes: application of a deterrent spray to roof area’s and other places possums might congregate. Any access points, within reason, are blocked up and secured so long as it’s something we are able to do. Metal roofing requires a suitably qualified trades person and we work with a number of roofers who can assist.

Exclusion services involve the building / installation of a box out, an approach where we build a custom made box around the entry point, we install a one way door, allow possums to exit and then we return later to remove temporary materials and repair the entry point to exclude future possum entry.

Price Guide

Trapping: Expect to pay $100 per mammal trapped. We do not typically trap and release possums anymore because exclusion via one way door is more effective.

Exclusion: Varies depending on complexity – includes installation of one way door, repairs / exclusion etc. Doesn’t include complex repairs especially if a roofing contractor is required. We need to assess and quote before these works occur.

Possum Roof Assessment: Usually $110 – can vary if a larger than average or complex structure. You should expect to pay this upon our first visit and following this we will deliver a written quote for all works required.

We entirely appreciate that our costing information provided here is variable and this info is provided as a guide only, possums are prevalent around most of Ballarat and every home is different, we need to know what we’re up against before we can be accurate in costing a possum job.

For more details give us a call and we’ll happily discuss your possum problem with you.

DIY Possum Trapping

We are also able to sell you a durable possum trap that includes local delivery, a hands on guide on it’s use and the secret to the bait we use! Just give us a call to arrange your trap.